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Writer's pictureJosephine A. Meinardus

Year One... Check!

"Clothes aren't going to change the world; the women who wear them will"


Well, I have officially finished up my first year at FIDM!! And to think... for a second there I did not think I was going to make it past the first ten weeks! This year has been insane for everyone, but... goodness gracious... I never thought I would see the day where fashion school is online! Anyways, a recap of my past year seems like the thing to do; I am sitting here a couple of nights before starting my 4th quarter (first section of my sophomore year) and I am so excited! We are online again, but I feel that just keeps things interesting!


Quarter 1

Well, this quarter I was really starting to doubt my decision to move to California if I am being honest. Not only was I in a state where I knew NOBODY, but.... I also did not feel that I was being challenged! In most of my classes I had high A's and was not understanding why I chose a school that promised they would make it difficult for me! I mean... a 30% on-time graduation rate... and yet... I was just worried! I had some great intro classes though! Not only did I have sketching classes, intro to product development, and even a class learning about all the designers from the past 100-150 years! In other words it was a very interesting time. I realized later that the reason first quarter was easier was because they were "giving us a second." Most of us had been tossed across the country and were terrified out of our minds! I tell ya... they have not held back since... Anyways, I got through those ten emotional weeks and went back to Arkansas for the holidays! Caught up with family and friends and then it was back on for quarter 2!


Quarter 2

This quarter was harder, but better! I had pattern making classes, sewing classes, Adobe classes and more! This quarter was a little more difficult and if you know me you know I enjoy a challenge. There were also a few trips tossed into this quarter! I went to Palm Springs, surprised my dad for his birthday, and then... well... I wasn't supposed to go back to Arkansas in March, but... God has bigger plans, right? This quarter also included my birthday! My birthday started off the ABSOLUTE WORST! All of my friends were going home and couldn't make my birthday dinner, it was raining, trips were cancelled, and it keeps going! I swear, I cried for a solid 3 days leading up to my birthday. Luckily, I was working with a friend the day before my birthday and i came in sobbing. I SWEAR I TRIED TO STOP IT! It just would not happen. It was raining, there was disappointment after disappointment, and I was just OVER IT! When I came in that day Stefanie grabbed me and hugged me tight. The next thing I know I have an entire group of people celebrating my birthday and I didn't know any of them, but by the end of the night we were all great friends! We went to dinner, laughed, took pictures, the whole shabang. Then, to make my birthday the most Californian it can be... I got a tattoo at the time I was born, on Friday the 13th, had a guy sing to me in the tattoo parlor because I was the tallest girl in the room, and last but not least danced in the rain at midnight on Melrose. In other words. This quarter was legendary, and I have no clue what could top it. Let's also not forget that this quarter I made friends that I now have to talk to at least every other day or I miss them like mad!


Quarter 3

Well.... this quarter will go down in history books as the worst and best times. Not only did this quarter start with a month and a half long break, but I spent some time in Arkansas! It was kinda rough considering I only had two weeks worth of clothes... and I was there for six weeks... but neither here nor there! I came back to L.A. and was immediately tossed into school; which started with bringing about 40 pounds of books and 8 rolls of fabric and manilla to my apartment with NO ELEVATOR... ALONE... IN A DRESS... in other words... it was an interesting experience where I most definitely flashed a majority of DTLA! Not long after that haul classes started and there was no time to do much of anything else. Yes, all of these classes were online, but that does not pull up on the difficulty. I luckily got a new sewing machine though! Which made my apparel process class much easier! I also got to make some full garments! One every week actually which was really fun! Kind of difficult considering I had only videos to really go off of, but learning by trial and error was not a terrible way to learn a few processes!


We are now on to quarter 4!I am super excited to get started with all of this quarters tasks; as well as the Lucky Brand competition! The Lucky Brand Competition has been a ton of fun so far and I will write a blog on that as soon as we finish it out! I hope you stick around! I will be better about writing to you guys this quarter! Last quarter was hard for multiple reasons, and I do not want to leave y'all in the dark like that again! I will do better!

Much Love!

Josephine A. Meinardus

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