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Writer's pictureJosephine A. Meinardus

Bippity... Boppity... Boo...

"Even miracles take a little time..." - The Fairy Godmother


Hello! Hi? Hey hey!!!!! Sorry... this quarantine has given me very little social reaction... I am not sure how to even greet people anymore... Let's go with a classic? Hi there! Well, I just got back to California after spending 6 WEEKS back in Arkansas because everything was just a little too crazy out here. I will not lie. I was scared about the virus, but I was even more terrified that someone was going to stab me because I had somehow snatched the last box of fruit loops at Target! Anyways... I ran home to chill out and lay low for a little while. I was enjoying my down time none the less, but you know me - I cannot stay still for long. Two days in to being back in Arkansas I was at the fabric store buying a sewing machine and telling my Aunt that I KNEW I could make her dream wedding dress... so... let's talk about the adventure of quarantine!


Let me give you some background of how I got myself wrapped up in this first! It all started with my aunt going dress shopping and not finding A SINGLE THING she wanted. Do not forget that she made this appointment during quarantine so not many bridal shops were open. My mom Face-timed me during the appointment, and I could see that my aunt was getting disappointed very quickly. She started telling me what she was wanting and I uttered the words, "I could so make what you are looking for! Super simple!" Now, let me remind you that I just started my third quarter at FIDM therefore I should not have THAT much confidence, but I did. We both kind of skipped over the comment and went on. When my mom got home I was talking to her, and at the end of the conversation;

Mom: "Do you really think you can make this dress she is wanting?"

Me: "Do you want the truth?"

Mom: "Always."

Me: "I have absolutely no freaking clue, but I am willing to try."

Mom: "Then let's go have a talk with our blushing bride!"

The next thing I know I am hollering at Terrance to grab his keys because we are going to make dreams come true! He obliged and snatched his keys. My mom, Terrance and I all pile into a car to head to my Aunt's house.


I walk in and as soon as I see my Aunt I say, "I think I can make your wedding dress." Her response was shocked and she says, "Oh you can?" Skeptical, but can you blame her? I didn't even know how to thread a bobbin before FIDM! I sat there and talked to her for hours trying to figure out what she wanted this dream dress to look like.

SIDEBAR!!! I am planning on going into the wedding industry once I graduate. I plan to have my own bridal line and a one of a kind experience for every bride that walks through the door. In other words I plan on turning the bridal salon facade upside down.

In other words, the process I was going through with my Aunt is something I plan on doing in the future! Talk about great practice. I walked out after talking to her with my head spinning and a massive sense of being overwhelmed... but to Hobby Lobby we went!


I walked into Hobby Lobby and my mom asked me the same question she did before we left the house. "Are you sure you can do this?" I looked at her focusing on my breathing because I just told a very stressed out bride that I could make her wedding dress and in all honesty... I HAD NOT FINISHED A SINGLE GARMENT! I was terrified!! Still, I looked at my mother and said, "I am the second best BS'er in the world. Of course I can!" (Again, focusing on my breathing...) I don't remember much until I am standing in the fabric section with not a single clue to what the heck I am gonna do. I mean.... I walked in without a sketch or anything. When leaving my Aunt's I had no clue what this dress was going to look like. In mid-freakout my mom said, "Pretend this isn't for your aunt. I mean, this is all just for play isn't it? So, what are you going to make that fits the standards you have in your head?" I walk around for a minute and then EUREKA!!! I had an idea and knew EXACTLY what I needed!! I snatched all my fabric and left still not sure if I could make this happen, but heck - at least I knew what I was going for!


I stop back at my Aunt's to make sure that she approves the fabric I bought... she LOVED it and was shocked that I picked up on a detail that she only mentioned once! I left her house feeling proud but still very nervous. I immediately got home and started making patterns.


We finally have the first draft of the skirt. I went the night before to check my patterns, and they checked out. Somewhere my math was wrong though, because when she put on the skirt it needed ALOT taken out of it, but I wasn't sure where I went wrong. I go back to my patterns after accidentally taking so much out of the skirt that it didn't even fit me.. back to the drawing board we went. I figured out my mistake and it was easy-peasy from there! My aunt unfortunately had to try it on at each stage. I didn't want her to look at it because it was nowhere near finished, but I could feel her getting discouraged in the process.


Finally, I had finished the dress! My first garment to ever finish, and it held so much meaning! I wish I could say that I rushed it over as soon as I finished it, but I was so nervous that she wouldn't like it that I held on to it for a solid 2 weeks. Finally, I built up the courage the weekend before I headed back to California to take it to her... and was preparing myself for her to tell me she loved the effort, but would not be wearing this on her wedding day. I put on my smile and walked in. I tossed the dress on her and awaited her reaction when walking to the mirror.... she screamed!!! She loved it!!! Even put it in her bridal dress bag so her fiancé would not see it. I smiled so big that my cheeks hurt and hugged her so bug that I thought I might snap her! I got to my car and the tears rolled. It all worked out... maybe I am in the right career field after all?


I am not going to lie. I was starting to worry about my decisions for my future. I am a person that believes in signs about being on the right track and with the corona virus hitting I felt that maybe I was supposed to be sent back to Arkansas and stay there? This dress was my test. If it could do this and live up to what she wanted - then I made the right decision and should head back to California. If she didn't then I needed to take a better look, and make sure that California is where I should be. That is a heck of a lot of pressure to put on a dress, I know, but I felt this would prove if I was good enough. I am now back in California in my online fashion school classes (that is something that I never expected to say...) and I am feeling better about my decision by the hour. Anyways.... I am so happy that I could make my Aunt's dream dress come to life and I am happy that I found it in myself to say that I could accomplish such a large task. Even though I was terrified most of the time... overconfidence did me well for once in my life! So, this is me saying, let your overconfidence shine through! Show yourself that you are capable of something you never thought you were, and even if you fail - at least you tried.


Much love to you all! Stay safe and explore yourself while in this quarantine, you deserve the extra attention!

Josephine A. Meinardus

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