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Writer's pictureJosephine A. Meinardus

The year of Josephine

"Better an "oops" than a "what if?""


Well, hello my beautiful people! You may notice from the entrance that my mental health has drastically improved. I am happy to say that is 10000% true, and although the month of October and November were months that I was praying would just end already... I am happy to finally be in December and planning to make the year of Josephine one to remember for all the good things.

I would normally do a year in review of the past year of my life and all the lessons I learned, but this is truly a year that I want to keep in the past haha! I learned a lot and I will take each of those lessons into 2023, but let's talk about 2023... or what has been deemed the "Year of Josephine"

The energy that is coming from 2023 is unlike any energy I have felt before. Although I do not talk about it much or really show it off.. I have been working my ass off relentlessly to put myself in a position to start seeing results. However, there is still a lot of work to do. I still have my 9-5 that will only be doing crazy things next year. My own businesses that are sitting there waiting for me to push them to their breaking point. My personal life that is making me smile at all times, and a mental health that I haven't seen since 2019. My mother and I have deemed next year the "Year of Josephine" (momma proclaimed it first, and I appreciate her for that one.) There is no focus on anything but me. There are no guys snatching my attention. I am not putting myself at a loss for anyone. I am only making moves that make me happy. I am putting myself first; like so many people close to me have asked for me to do. That leads me to saying I am busy when others might just see it as an afternoon of sleeping, or having my phone on DND because I truly cannot deal with the world right now.


If you have not made your vision board for 2023... I am begging for you to get started as soon as you get out of this blog post. If you get nothing else from me; I hope you gain a massive amount of motivation.


Let's get into some of my goals for 2023. They are lofty, and seem kind of far fetched at times, but I LOVE a good challenge.

Wake up by 5am daily (weekends are sleep in opportunities obvi)

I am known for being a night owl and sleeping until noon if anyone lets me. Now I have to clock in by 8am and am usually already working by 7, but that is me waking up at 7am and rolling over to open my laptop. When I would much rather get up at 5 and run through my ideal morning routine. I really do love working out, yoga, and keeping my health up. Fitness is something that I fell in love with when I was kid as a great stress reliever, and I want to get back into loving that! I already have gotten back into it to manage my anxiety, but I think setting that early morning habit would help so much.

Work out daily

As I mentioned; when I was in high school I was always doing a ton of things for my health and fitness. What I did not realize at the time was that my everyday workout with my team were the only thing keeping my stress levels at a manageable level. That being said, when my anxiety got significantly worse moving out here and post COVID-19 the only thing that seemed to bring me relief was working out. To this day that is still the only thing that makes me feel better. So, to move into 2023 focusing on me and my mental health... we are working out daily - even if it is something small, this body has to move.

Paying off at least half of my student loan debt

This sounds crazy to most, but I really do not have that much debt. My mom is probably shaking her head right now because she knows how much my rent just went up and that I have a lot of goals next year, but all in all - I am going to do everything I can to pull that student loan number way down! I have a few months before I have to worry about it too much, but since the amount I asked for is fairly small this is just enough of a challenge that it is possible.

Eating home cooked meals

I am the queen of takeout recently. It is something that I knew was going to happen when I started getting busy and mentally started feeling drained. There was no chance that I was going to be able to keep it up and still scale in other ways of my life. The truth is, taking the L on my health will make sure I am knocked out for 2+ weeks when I am trying to build and scale these empires. So, I have to put my health at the forefront. Out here the takeout is even pretty healthy, but nothing hits quite like that home cooked meal.

Keeping my home tidy

I had a new friend come into my apartment the other day for a nice little girls night with a few friends, and she said, "I was so nervous to come to your apartment because you have your shit together and I was terrified that I was going to walk into an apartment that it made it evident how much I do not have my shit together!" Anyone who has visited my apartment... or my room when I was younger... is fully aware that I need someone to follow me around with a broom and dustpan because I am truly the dirty fairy. I might look like I have my shit together in public, but keeping my apartment and living space together is something that I have never been able to handle. I used to blame it on my creativity, and that I really cannot think straight if there is not some chaos - and although that is partly true; I am just not good at it, and I would rather sleep than do my dishes. This is something I really want to get better about. I know if I do a little everyday that I will see improvement over time, but I am not willing to continue to feel like I have to completely start over every week. To say the least... I am over it.

Get my socials in all aspects up, and really document my life

My boss and I always talk about how I could be an influencer if I really tried. I have an interested life, create fire content, and am always ahead of the trends in regards to content creation. There is no reason a marketing genius doesn't have a following - except I do not want to. Haha! I want to, but there is truly so much work and time that goes into that. I am so impressed by people that just hop from task to task because like my brain will not let me stay productive for that long. Like, are y'all taking something and not sharing? Please share.

Get 1 of my ideas picked up by a major brand (in regards to creative marketing)

I come up with stupid great ideas for a lot of different brands. Starbucks, Zara, Canva, Duolingo - to name a few. I get so enveloped in these case studies that I do that I create full blown presentations. I think this out so intently and sell everyone around me on it for it being a great idea. Marketing really is a passion of mine, but creative marketing is where I really show my rizz - I tell no lies, and you can ask the best. ;)

Boost Jury Apparel to getting 3 clients a month and a waitlist by July 2023

Jury is still a baby, but she is vibing! I am excited to really push her forward and hopefully reach all the goals that I have set for her. I want to have 3 new clients a month for her and soon have a team of contractors that are my close knit team that do it all. So, if you want to start a fashion line; it's your time to slide into my dm's.

Have at least 1 passive income opportunity for Jury and for Bridal Belle

We all know that passive income is the way to live in 2022. None of us want to feel like we have to work every single day to bring a dollar in. That being said, I am working on a few projects to get that passive income really moving. The only thing that has to stay up to date and have eyes on it consistently is the marketing around it all. Bridal Belle is who I am most excited for the projects, but Jury has a couple that are really going to put the brand on the map.

I was watching TikTok prior to writing this, and I realized that if I sell these passive income products for $20 each and sell about 15 a day I am looking at a $100,000 yearly sales income. That not sound like a lot for the fact that operational has to be taken out of all of that, but... truly... with my 9-5 that is only scaling and Bridal Belle doing the same thing ya girl will be thriving in the next two years no cap.

Bridal Belle has at least 4 bookings for 2024

Now, this is a goal I am determined by and may just be the most challenging one. I plan to have booked 4 different opportunities for 2024 and one of them is a full blown wedding. Now, in all fairness I have had someone already ask me to hold a date for her, and I am happily holding it for her. We also have a few different things that I offer as The Bridal Belle where I am able to really capitalize on, and truly plan to. Bridal Belle is the business that I have the most passion for, and I know that she will be my end game in helping me live the life I have always prayed for.

I am also having a dress drive for the brides that want their dream dress, but just cannot make the coins work to purchase that I am hosting next year. If you have a dress that you are wanting to get out of your closet or know a dress shop that could use a tax donation... I am your girl and will send my information over immediately 💕

Travel - Make it to Paris finally...

Traveling more is something I always have a goal for the following year, and I always end up going to a couple of places, but next year the only place that I HAVE to get to is Paris, France. Anyone that knows me knows how long I have been dreaming to go there. I will make it happen. It might not be on my birthday (although that is the goal) it might be right after a big event next year to celebrate or maybe for a fashion week. Whenever it is does not matter to me - I just want to go.

Gift myself a luxury bag when hitting a financial goal

When ya girl hits these goals at the end of the year... I am stepping out of Dior with my dream bag and no regrets. I truly love fashion, and an everyday bag has been on the list for a minute. I am going to make it happen, and I am hardcore so excited for the moment when I post that Dior shopping bag on my story.

Actually celebrating when I hit a goal

When driving back from somewhere the other day I noticed that I have not celebrated a single goal this year. I have only jumped to the next goal. One of my friends tries to get me to celebrate, but truly I just never allow myself the time. When your goals are as big as mine I don't feel like I can sit in the wins... there is another win waiting on me. However, I want to get into celebrating my wins. Even if it is just a dinner or a night out with my friends. I want to get into the habit of celebrating even the little things, because we never know when the next goal will be met. Can be next week or it can be next year, and I am not waiting that long for another glass of champagne.

All in all, next year is different. I feel the energy shift, and I am not letting it pass me by. What's your vision board look like for 2023?


Josephine M.

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