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Writer's pictureJosephine A. Meinardus

Holy Sh*t....

I would normally put an aesthetically pleasing quote here, but I am chugging a Red Bull at 12:33 am... this is not the time for aesthetically pleasing.


From the title of this blog post, you can tell it is going to be a doozy. I know that I have not chatted with you guys in a minute and truly it is not from a lack of trying. I am very close to getting back into my amazon orders that are cases full of Red Bull because goodness gracious this year has been insane and we have not even made it to my birthday yet! Yes, it is coming up, and yes it is a nationally observed government Holiday. Hahah!

Recently, I have noticed that my mind won't stop running when I want it to. Some may call it a workaholic mindset or a true psychological issue or anxiety (that's what the ER doctor called it) ... I like to call it motivation. I have always worked better at night. I don't know if it is because of the lack of people, the quiet, the fact it really feels like a world made just for me, or if that is just the way I am wired. However, I am a proud night owl which is why 3 hours of sleep is a blessing for me recently.

The past 60 days have been nothing short of insane. With opportunities, new clients, scaling at my 9-5, new leadership opportunities, and people asking to pick my brain at every corner... I am honestly trying to just keep it all together. There have only been a few meltdowns since the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve - typically due to the pressure I put on myself. This whole "I am building an empire thing" can really take a toll on your mind.

The reason this title is what it is... truly I don't know where to start catching you up. everything started moving so quickly and abundantly to make my head spin within the first few days of 2023. I am still working at my 9-5, have The Bridal Belle, and I have the fashion company that I am moving more into a marketing/ branding direction. With super exciting things coming in all of these... I have barely had time to clean my apartment (I say that because I currently have no clean forks, and had to give up takeout for lent because it is becoming a little too frequent.)

Irregular Exposure has been doing exactly what I had been booting her up to do throughout the entire 4th quarter of 2022. People have a tendency to think that marketing is just sending an email, and posting on Instagram... but there is so much more to it than that. This marketing journey with Irregular Exposure has been one with some of the highest highs and the lowest of lows. It has made me believe in myself more than I ever have and is truly a story that I will have in my book one of these days. All in all, my little sister is doing what I have been methodically training her to do, and I am SO excited to see what she does the rest of the year.

The Bridal Belle has been dormant for the past 6-9 months. I have needed some time to make a few things shake like I want them to and to make sure that I am not biting off more than I can chew. I am used to being stressed and I honestly thrive on it, but Rome was not built in a day and neither is this business. You will see her moving more this next month - March is when she is revving back up again. Completely fitting if you ask me. She will also have a product launch; a few ideas are swarming and a couple is coming to fruition... we shall see which ones make it to launch day.

Jury - oh Jury... I love her dearly, but she is starting to grow differently on me... she seems to be enjoying the marketing of things a little more than she is loving the production. Not that she cannot do both, but she is definitely leaning in the direction of creative marketing, and such. Once again - another thing I am just riding out at the moment.

Not to mention trying to have a social life, finding some time to be with myself, getting back into reading again, and also creating content for my personal socials. It is all a lot, but when am I known for anything less?

Chat again soon, hopefully 😘

Josephine A. M.

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