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Writer's pictureJosephine A. Meinardus


"Your birthday should be celebrated like it is a national holiday... sorry man, I don't make the rules... I just follow them!"


Happy Birthday to me!! If you know me then you know that my birthday is one of the most important days in the calendar year to me. Do not worry I am not like this only about my birthday, but about birthdays in general! It's a celebration that you made it through another year of struggles, fun, klutziness, tears, and more! You did it! That should be celebrated! As a quick birthday celebration I thought it would be fun to take a walk down memory lane of birthdays, but I am sure y'all do not want to hear about that. Instead... let's talk about weird birthday traditions AROUND THE WORLD!!!



It only seems right that we start in a place that I am obsessed with, and am dreaming of going to. The French like to "keep it simple" they not only celebrate a lot like Americans, but they also usually make homemade cakes with fresh fruits and berries on top for all the birthdays that aren't a major milestone! This makes my heart happy! I have been celebrating my birthday as someone from France! Bon anniversaire a moi!

The Caribbean

They actually throw flour at you! A ton of it, but if they are nice they will NOT soak you in water before coating you in flour like you're a part of Sunday dinner!


This one is honestly one of the weirder ones, and that is saying something! They are not much into birthday sapnkin's! Instead the pull on your earlobe? Now, that is something I was not prepared to read on. It turns out it is really sweet to why they do it though! They say that they "hope you live long enough for your ear lobes to hang to your ankles!" I mean I would have never thought about my earlobes stretching as I get older, but obviously this is on the forefront of their mind....


Oh man oh man! I wish I was a child in Germany for my birthday! Not only are you exempt from HOMEWORK but you are also exempt of CHORES for that day! Talk about a win! I mean, let's be honest... my mom is a gem and I was not expected to do a heckin' thing on my birthday, but I mean... I still think it would be pretty cool that you just aren't expected to do anything on your birthday.


Awwww.. so in typical Canadian fashion this tradition is utterly precious! They grease your nose with butter! It is supposed to be so the negativity and bad vibes slip right off of you throughout the next year! I might try that on my birthday this year! No room for negativity! Just too heckin' cuteeeeee


Okay, so this is most definitely the scariest birthday tradition. The parents hire a terrifying clown for their Childs birthday party. Not only does it look scary as all get out, but they come ARMED... with pie... to throw in your face... I say it again... terrifying.... I for one hate cake being shoved in my face, but if you make it sticker and the person sticking it in my face scary looking... I will most definately cry... and I will not apologize for the tears! Worst of all, they say that this is all FOR GOOD LUCK!?!?! Who the heck thinks this is good luck??? I just do not get it.


Okay, so I found two interesting things about Chinese birthday traditions. First of all, the day that the child is born is considered their first birthday; so on their second birthday they are surrounded by objects and whichever one they pick is what their future career is supposed to be, and is what their parents are supposedly constantly pushing them towards. Also, instead of cake the birthday boy or girl is given a bowl full of noodles and has to shove as many noodles into their mouth as they can at once! Crazy, but I also see a little Chinese toddler with their cheeks puffed up with noodles and I think that is just PRECIOUS!


Oh how I would LOVE to celebrate here! There is a massive party in a room full of flowers, fruits, and vegetables to symbolize growing and life! How cute! Plus, there is a TON of dancing, music, and fun! How expensive are plane trips to Egypt... for like... the 12th?


Oh I was so meant to celebrate here. I mean the birthday boy/girl gets to wear a crown! A CROWN! If you have been around for very long you know that I wear a crown every year on my birthday and OH MY GOSH IT IS CONSIDERED NORMAL HERE!!!!! AHHHHH!! They also get to sit in a special chair as their family and friends dance around them. Talk about a dream come true!

Fun facts are probably my favorite thing ever, so this blog was a lot of fun! I hope you enjoyed!

What are some birthday traditions that are not typical in your family??

As always, much love

Josephine A. Meinardus

Throwing it back with some birthday pictures from last year! Stay tuned for this years pics; my first birthday in L.A.!

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