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Writer's pictureJosephine A. Meinardus

Being brave

"She was never quite ready, but she was brave and the universe listens to brave."


I am told quite often that what I have done so far and plan to do is "brave." I have had to get used to this word, as it means something different to everyone.


Me saying that I was ready to move out to California when I did would be a bald-faced lie, but since moving out here I have learned that I am never READY for my next move. I am always scared and nervous, but I am learning that is what happens when you are making a decision that puts you out there and to the next level. You never feel ready, but if you want it bad enough you will rise to the occasion.

Making the decision is the hardest part. You get nervous. Maybe your palms sweat. Heck, you might even worry and need a minute to make sure that it is the right decision. I get it. Take your breather, my friend, I will sit on the other end and do sun salutations with you. Deep breathes... but hey, only 15 minutes. You get 15 minutes to freak out. To cry. To panic. To wonder if this is what life is all about. To scream. To just sit there and nobody expects anything from you. Now, after those 15 minutes. It is time to put our big kid pants on and get to it. We were made for this. There is not a doubt in my mind that you will rock this just as well as you have rocked everything else in your life. You have made it this far. You have overcome everything that has gotten in your way. How is this any different?

Listen, I know that this is scary, but take it from me. Nobody thought I would make it either. They said their nice things, but I heard what was said around the corner where they thought I could not hear them anymore. People expected me back in small-town Alma Arkansas within a couple of years of being out here in Los Angeles. They were convinced Los Angeles would eat me alive. Heck, some of the people I was closest to at the time told me that I was in over my head and they would be shocked if I made it a few weeks. Now, I know I said that making the decision is the hardest part, but sticking to it is even harder. There is always that period where you have the opportunity to back out. That 2 weeks before you start the new job, those two months before a big move, those 15 minutes before you are at the front of the line of the rollercoaster. All of them have a "grace period" where you don't follow through. You take that chicken door and stay where you are comfortable. This is when I need you to listen to me the most. Please, please, please do not stop. Keep moving. Keep going. Do not listen to them. They don't know a single thing about you. They only know what you let them know. They are not aware of every single little victory you have, nor do they know that being in that spot in life is just not what is best for you anymore.

Growing. We think it only applies to children, but we never stop. You always grow. That could be in work, in life, in your relationship, or even in your location. Unfortunatley, this means you grow out of things. That job is not fulfilling you like it used to. That hobby has become less enjoyable and you cannot look at it anymore. You have outgrown that friend or partner and find yourself dreading their present rather than being relieved when they walk through the door. That town or city is not what you are wanting for life anymore. Whatever it is, it is okay to grow out of it; after all, we never stop growing.


Being brave means growing, growing means being brave. You can do both, and I am right here with you every single step of the way.💕

Much Love,

Josephine A. Meinardus

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Kristi Spence
Kristi Spence
Apr 19, 2021

Who are these non-believers?? I’ve always known you’d do big things. I’m proud of you!! I love hearing about your adventures and experiences. ❤️

Josephine A. Meinardus
Josephine A. Meinardus
Apr 19, 2021
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Thank you!!

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