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Writer's pictureJosephine A. Meinardus

... hi....

Retrouvailles [French]; The happiness of meeting again after a long time

Well - I don't really know where to start! There has been so many things that have changed in the past year... Let's hit the high points!

I don't live in Los Angeles anymore!

I went into 2024 living on the opposite coast! I now live in Alexandria, VA which is about 15 minutes outside of our nations capital Washington D.C. If you know me you know that I visited D.C. when I was a sophomore in high school. It was my first trip to a new place without my parents, and I was over the moon excited. I was with the state officers of DECA as well as a few girls from my specific chapter. This was an impactful experience for multiple reasons, but the largest one being that it was the first time I realized how badly I wanted to get out of that small town in Arkansas. When I moved to Los Angeles I had was so excited to be a Cali girl and although I knew that Los Angeles would let me know when it had had enough of me I was relishing in every single moment I had until then. The 175 sq. foot apartment and the memories of living through a pandemic within that itty bitty apartment. Winning scholarships, making a name for myself, and really pushing myself entirely out of my comfort zone! So much so that I even took the striking leap into full time entrepreneurship last year on September 1. All in all - I was born in raised in Alma, Arkansas and anytime I have felt lost I go there. I grew up in Los Angeles, California and anytime I need some love from friends that turned into family I go there. Now, I am making a name for myself on the East coast, developing friends that are pushing me to the next level, finding authenticity (which is non-existent in LA) and becoming genuinely happy outside of what I do for a living. I have always had an incredible work ethic that forces me to my limits, but I will say... getting on a plane once - thrice a month is exhausting but a life I would never want to leave. All that to say - I am so happy to be where I am now.

Cat's out of the bag! I am a full time entrepreneur!

O....M...G.... ya know - there was a few times in this whole adventure that I didn't know if I would make it this far, and believe me... as of recently - waiting tables seems like a pretty killer gig. I'm only {kinda} joking! In all seriousness this ish is hard! With a mix of self doubt, insane discipline, consistently hearing "No" when you really don't like that word, and so much more. There have been more roadblocks in this whole shebang than there has been in any other aspect of my life - well maybe discounting my love life from that. Neither here nor there we are almost a year into the ride and it has been a blast, exhausting, and something I never want to stop doing. Even when those late night thoughts come through of how much easier it would be to just hop into a 9-5 that asks just my job description of me and is truly "just a job" and not something I pour my heart and soul into daily in hopes that one of these days I will be able to say. "Hi! Yes I am Josephine, CEO and sole founder of JURY an apparel production firm, and marketing agency that focuses on the development of brands and ensuring that they have the launch that they deserve." Doesn't that sound cool as hell?

I have a pup!

Many of you have already met the punkin punkin even if only virtually! However - we are now thick as theives and continue to argue like sisters. Logan, actually sent me a study the other day that went into detail on how her and I act the exact same and that is just part of the whole raising something ordeal - that being said - I am officially on the nurture side of the nature versus nurtue argument. She is a pistol full of energy and excitement as well as to much attitude for me to handle somedays. She is also the sweetest little thing you will ever meet that truly wants nothing but to see you happy. Although she does try to run into oncoming traffic from time to time, and yanks my arm out of my shoulder she has been my rock on nights that I toss and turn full of tears. ALSO I somehow gave her my anxiety?? How the hell did I do that? Girly pop went through like 2 weeks straight of anxiety attacks! Ugh - don't get me wrong I was having a hard time, but I didn't realize how much my anxiety was effecting her... truth be told it had me looking at myself so much that I mentioned it in therapy that week lol

Those are really the highlights! I am sure if we bump into each other I would have a million other things to say, but truthfully those are the only things that are hitting the high points for me! Anyway - chat soon! (hopefully you won't have to wait another year for an update)



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