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Writer's pictureJosephine A. Meinardus

20 Facts About Me

Updated: May 4, 2020

The purpose of this blog is to be myself and to show the world who I am outside of my accomplishments. But I thought I would give you a chance to know me, and since I am not doing this for business but for fun I feel I should and can be transparent here. So, here we go!


1) I am a small town girl who has always dreamed about changing the world with clothing

When I was 11 years old I started sketching, sewing, and designing in my aunts living room and realized what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Yes, I know. It is rare for someone to know what they want to do with the rest of their life and stick to it from a decision they made when they were little. I have always dreamed of making the world a better place through clothing in whatever way I can. And with my big move to the city I intend on doing just that.

2) I will always dance in the rain

Many people chuckle when they see me dancing in the rain and do not get me wrong, it is not what most people would consider "normal" but rain is my favorite. Whether I am in a parking lot, my front yard, in a prom dress, or at work. If there is rain falling from the sky I am out in it. Have you ever tried it? Dancing in the rain? To the music in your head? Singing as loud as you can so the birds can hear you over the mighty raindrops bashing against the trees? If you have not, I highly recommend, as it is invigorating and you will become addicted after just one try.

3) I will watch Hallmark Christmas movies no matter the time of year

You must think I am crazy but I am a hopeless romantic which you will learn the longer you stick around. Hallmark Christmas movies just combine my favorite holiday and romance all into one. I am obsessed with Christmas and will celebrate it anytime of year. Now, my mother has a rule in the house of no Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving. So.... when "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole comes on in August it is usually at right around 2 a.m. on a low volume... but you can catch me on a lazy day in December, or a busy one, curled up in a ball on the couch with specially made hot chocolate in one hand, cookies in the other, a fire blazing, and Hallmark Christmas movies on repeat. Don't worry, my mom doesn't mind that part... heck, its the only reason we have DirectTV.

4) "I will try anything once"

A motto I live by. This might be the only reason I have tried the roller coasters, food, and dares that I have. This motto that my mother gave me while we were in Disney World has helped me learn new things, about myself, other cultures, my friends, and my family. I am not what most would call a daredevil but I might seem a tad wild every now and then... I would say sorry but it would not be genuine...

5) I am all for spontaneous adventures

I feel that most of the people that utter this phrase rarely mean it. A majority are just saying it to sound cool and adventurous but I truly mean it. Call me up at 2 a.m. and say you want to go on a night drive, I'm there. Say you have booked two concert tickets for this weekend and want me to go with, I'm there. Say we are going on a road trip even if it is just down the road, I'm there. I am always down for adventures and experiences; I am a firm believer that the experiences are what make you rich, not the money from your 9 to 5.

6) I am always planning something

Wether that something be my day, my year, my future, my wedding, Christmas presents, or birthday parties. I am always planning something with color codes and small notes with many to-do lists. I would not call myself organized. I feel I only hold the façade of a well organized person and reap partial benefits. I really try though.

7) I am terrible about procrastinating

I always blame my creative mind when it comes to explaining my procrastination. Saying that "I work better under pressure" and that is not far off. It just leads to many sleepless nights, Red Bulls, and dark bags under my eyes. But in the end the final product is perfect and I would not have wanted it to work out any differently.

8) I HATE milk

Do not ask me to explain this weird dislike. It is just something about me. I like coffee and warm milk. But honestly, that is the only way I will drink either of them...

9) I could live in water if you let me

I am called the "water baby" at home for my constant want to be in the pool. I could be spending hours in the water but I want to have just one more jump or lap. I just cannot get enough of it. There was the summer when I was 12 where I lived in bathing suits. You think I am kidding but I am being 100% honest. Not only was I as tan as I have ever been but my hair was green... we switched to a salt water pool the next year...

10) I refuse to admit that I am 6 feet tall

Yes, I know... something really interesting to get all bent out of shape over but I am 5' 11 3/4'' and refuse to be any taller. When I was younger people would pick on me, call me freak, or just be plain mean about my height. I am slowly learning to embrace it... but in this society, tall blonde girls have it harder than you may think.

11) I love traveling

If I could live on a plane I would. I don't want to say "I don't ever want to be home" but if there are experiences out there to be had, I would rather be soaking that in than being a couch potato watching just on more episode of my new binge. (Which is Grey's Anatomy right now, in case you were wondering)

12) I enjoy photography

But, the photography I enjoy is not all the fancy editing and the cheesy smiles. I like the natural photography. Where the only edit you need it the sunlight in a different spot on the lens or the model to turn to where there is not so much green on her face. I strive for the perfect shot that will be used as a profile picture. Where the lighting makes them look like an angel and the smile in their eyes makes everyone think they are. I am not into photography for the business. Heck, I do not even have people pay for the pictures I take. But, I am into photography for me.

13) I have never been cliff diving

I know, a girl from Arkansas who has never been cliff diving. It almost makes you quake with how shocking it is. But, you read that correctly... and honestly I am a little freaked to ever go cliff diving... heard too many horror stories...

14) My boyfriend is truly my best friend

You hear that often I am sure. But, my boyfriend and I were best friends before we started dating. It all started in French with a few hugs, practice greetings, bad relationships, and a connection of understanding. We have been besties for the resties for almost three years now and every second of our friendship and relationship has not only been a blast but it has flown by. We have been dating for about 7 1/2 months. This might not seem long to you but when we first mentioned even dating we had made the decision to break up before college. No hard feelings, just break up and move on. About a week into the relationship we realized we could not do that.... and that is how we are where we are today. I would not give this guys friendship up for the world, and I am glad to have him by my side at all times. He is my biggest cheerleader and my shoulder to cry on all at once... there is nothing better than that, I am sure of it.

15) I am very close to my brother

That is another one you probably do not hear all that often. My brother and I used to fight like dogs. Constantly screaming, throwing things, and punching each other. But, we got older and learned that the person that we share a closet with will always be there for anything. Advice about boys or girls, help with homework, confusion on class assignments, a study buddy for a test, or just someone to go pester when you are bored. My brother is someone that will make me so angry that I want to burst and will calm me all at once. He is also a dream chaser. He is going on his own adventure, and I am so proud.

16) I have breathed sports since I was 4 years old

Softball from the age of 4 to 12

Volleyball from the age of 12 to 18

Track from the age of 12 to 17

Sports are a stress relief. They always have been for me. I would go an swing a bat after a breakup. Hit over and over again when a big test was coming up. Run miles before my college application was due. Sports are what pull me away from reality and I need that. The brain break is what I call it. Something that will cause me to not think about anything except the physical excursion that I am putting my body through. Not only did it give me a healthy stress relief but it also gave me something to push for. I am a person who works by deadlines. And the physical goals of always being better than the person next to me pushed me to be the best I could be everyday causing me to be the best person, athlete, and teammate I could be. I fell short, often, but in that I learned another lesson that greatly benefitted me throughout the rest of my school career. Do not EVER give up.

17) I am a business/ marketing geek

Want to talk entrepreneurial statistics? I'm there. Want to create an ad for a company? Heck yeah. Want to create a marketing campaign for the company in our heads? I am all in. It does not matter what it is when it comes to business I want to learn it. I chose my future based on this love I have. Not only do I adore clothing but I adore the process of convincing people that they need to have it. This is nothing personal, but it is fascinating.

18) If I could eat Mexican food every day of the week. I would.

I would not say that Mexican food is my favorite food. But it is the food I can eat the most of and never get sick of... don’t ask me what’s wrong with me... if I knew I would fix it and probably lose a good 5 pounds

19) I cannot stand not being busy

People ask me why I pack my schedule as tight as I do and the explaination is purely, I hate having time on my hands and not having anything to do with it. If I am blessed with three hours of downtime I should be doing something with it. Whether that be picking up trash, going on a run, hanging out with friends, spending time with family, or starting a new project. No matter what it is, I find something to fill the time.

20) I will never pass up the chance to get to know someone

Do not get me wrong, I am a busy gal. But if you need someone to talk to, vent to, or just be around I am there. I will never miss a chance to get to know anyone I come into contact with. Relationships are the most important thing there is. You cannot convince me otherwise.


There you go! A little more about me! Small facts that nobody knows or thinks about! I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you are thinking and let me know what you want to hear about in the future!

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